Our firm has an extensive residential and commercial real estate practice, with an emphasis on residential and commercial closings. Our representation extends from the contract to the closing, with services including title examinations in most Georgia counties. We also help customers find the best home warranty company to work with, as we know that having a home fully covered is one of the main concerns for homeowners. Beck, Owen & Murray has extensive title records with title abstracts dating back to the firm’s inception. We prepare real estate contracts, leases, deeds, and easements for our clients, and assist our clients in forming homeowners associations and the preparation of restrictive covenants.
Proper due diligence will help you avoid most zoning and land use issues. When you rush into a deal, the possibility of an unforeseen zoning issue is always present, and it can be highly detrimental to your goals. Your attorney can help ensure your property is utilized the way you intend, obtain local permits for your business or any new construction, and handle other tasks related to zoning.
Multiple due diligence steps are necessary to guarantee a successful commercial real estate transaction and ensure that you assume no liability from the prior owner. For example, there may be preexisting environmental hazards that you may be liable for once you acquire the property. This can cost a substantial and unexpected amount; however, you can shift the financial liability to the prior owner with a properly structured purchase agreement.
Thе tесhnісаl dіffеrеnсе between a residential аnd соmmеrсіаl рrореrtу іѕ аѕ fоllоwѕ: Rеѕіdеntіаl real estate іѕ аll single fаmіlу homes аnd оnе to four unіt rеntаl rеѕіdеnсеѕ whіlе a соmmеrсіаl рrореrtу is аnуthіng wіth five or more units. Cоndоѕ, duрlеxеѕ, аnd ԛuаdruрlеxеѕ mаkе uр rеѕіdеntіаl rеаl еѕtаtе while office, rеtаіl, industrial, multifamily (of fіvе unіtѕ оr mоrе), hоtеl, and special purpose buildings аrе considered соmmеrсіаl real estate.
Title Orders
Address: One Griffin Center Suite 600
100 South Hill Street Griffin, Georgia 30223
Email: info@beckowen.com
Title Orders:
Address: One Griffin Center Suite 600
100 South Hill Street Griffin, Georgia 30223
Email: info@beckowen.com
Title Orders: titleorders@beckowen.com
Phone: 770-227-4000
Fax: 770-229-8524
Business Hours: